40W通用Ka波段(27.5-31.0 GHz)BUC Ka BAND BUC
- 產品品牌 ACTOX
- 產品型號 ABC40UKa /ABC40UKAF
- 產品描述
This unique fi rst ever 40W L-To Full Ka-Band Block Up Converter covers the O3B (27.65-29.1 GHz), Co...
產品名稱:Ka波段BUC功率放大器 40W Universal Ka-Band (27.5-31.0 GHz) BUC
產品型號: ABC40UKA / ABC40UKAF
This unique fi rst ever 40W L-To Full Ka-Band Block Up Converter covers the O3B (27.65-29.1 GHz), Commercial商用 (29.0-30.0 GHz) and Military軍用 (30.0-31.0 GHz) frequency bands. M&C (FSK) capability enables trouble shooting, monitoring and controlling the BUC. Unit provides 10MHz reference autosensing feature.
¨ Output frequency 27.5-31.0 GHz ¨ Based on GaN technology which enables high effi ciency, low power consumption and high reliability. ¨ Quad- L.O. (electronicaly and manually switchable 26.55, 27.4, 28.05, and 29.05 GHz) ¨ Low power consumption (340W max) ¨ M&C - combined RS-232/485, FSK and Ethernet control (HTTP and SNMP) ¨ L.O. lock, amplifi er and 10MHz LEDs ¨ Built-in redundancy option ¨ Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector ¨ Internal 10MHz high stability reference autosensing and controlable (optional) ¨ RoHS compliant
廣州鼎銘視訊器材有限公司近二十年一直致力于為航天航空、軍事科研、高校、廣播電視臺站提供國際一線品牌的廣電衛通雷達遙感系統設備,包括不限于S/C/X/KU/KA波段的VAST天線Antenna 高頻頭LNB 功率放大器BUC等